(843) 215-6635

What We Offer

Nutrition Services

For over 18 years Dr. Hauck has been helping his patients feel better faster. We know the body was designed to heal if it has what it needs.

Dr. Hauck makes sure his patients get the fuel, through the right foods and supplements to promote more rapid healing and optimal health for years to come.

What is Nutrition Consulting?

We will ask about your diet goals, objectives, and reasons for wanting to make a change. In addition to reviewing your medical history and current medications and supplements, we may also ask about your lifestyle to get a sense of your current stress, sleep patterns, and physical activity levels.

How do I Know It’s Right for Me?

The best way to find out about feeling better by changing some of the things you put in your body is by scheduling a visit with us and getting your questions answered.

Frequently Asked Questions

Learn How it Works!

Why can Chiropractors give nutritional counseling?

The American Clinical Board of Nutrition (ACBN) also requires 300 hours of coursework in nutrition and is the first certifying agency in nutrition to offer diplomate status to all professionals in the health care field, beyond the doctoral level in the United States and internationally.

97 percent of DCs gave nutritional and dietary recommendations, making nutrition a common part of a treatment plan for chiropractic patients.

Can nutrition help with autoimmune issues?

Chiropractors often provide care for people with autoimmune and inflammatory conditions like arthritis, diabetes, scoliosis, hypothyroidism, and allergies.

D.R. Seaman’s article “The Diet-Induced Pro-Inflammatory State: a Cause of Chronic Pain and Other Degenerative Diseases,” published in the journal Manipulative Physiological Therapy, states that a “substantial amount of research exists to suggest that dietary changes reduce systemic inflammation which, in turn, alleviates pain and other clinical symptoms caused by inflammation.”

How does your Nervous system affect your digestion?

The nervous system has an impact on every single aspect of the body, including digestion. If your nervous system is disrupted in any way, then it can affect how your body processes the food it ingests.

 The nervous system is what tells the body how to distribute the fuel you take in. A disruption will interrupt those messages.

A chiropractor can help keep the nervous system functioning at its best so that you can reap the benefits of a healthy diet.

Why do Chiropractors study nutrition?

Chiropractors study nutrition to better understand how your subluxations could be affected by the food you eat and to optimize your health and healing.

Why does Nutrition and Chiropractic care go together?

Healthy eating is a prime component of good musculoskeletal health. 

Whether you are rehabbing from an injury or simply just want to maintain musculoskeletal health, you need to eat right.

If you don’t, you could end up detracting from the chiropractic care you’ve been receiving.

For instance, too many calories can be a problem. If you have a high-calorie diet and do not do enough exercise to account for that, then you will gain weight.

Gaining weight can throw off the body’s balance and place extra strain on your spine, which will impede progress.

CAn't I just take whatever supplement I feel like?

Having the RIGHT nutrients affects your brain, your organs, and every component of your body.

That is why your chiropractor may sometimes sound like a nutritionist.

We know, based on research and our clinical data, what supplements you feed for optimal healing, So you actually save money, not guessing.

Come See Us Today!

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(843) 215-6635

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9408 Hwy 17 Bypass
Murrells Inlet, SC, 29576


Monday – Thursday:  8:00 am -6:00 pm
We are closed from 12:30 pm-3:00 pm daily for lunch
Friday:  8:00 am -11:00 am